<p>A lovely range of spring-flowering bulbs, which deserve to be more widely planted. Both <em>A. blanda</em> (windflower) and <em>A. nemerosa</em> (wood anemone) types are very hardy and easy to grow, and provide a very colourful show in April. Generally quite low-growing, reaching only 15-20cm, they are perfect to partner with dwarf narcissi such as N. Tete a Tete, either in the border or in pots.</p>
<h4>How to plant anemone bulbs:</h4>
<p>The small knobbly bulbs should be soaked for 24 hours on arrival, and then planted out soon after. Plant 5-8cm deep and space about 10cm apart. They are perfectly happy in almost any garden soil with reasonable drainage. </p>