Hybrid Musk
These are perpetual flowering cluster roses which are hardy and vigorous, capable of forming a hedge or bush up to 2m high. Fragrant and very floriferous, Hybrid Musks are disease-resistant, repeat flowering with a strong, characteristic 'musky' scent, and stems that tend to be lax and arching with limited thorns. Although they arose too late to qualify technically as 'Old Garden' roses, the hybrid musks are often informally classed with them since their growth habits and care are more like the old garden roses than modern roses such as Hybrid Tea or Floribundas. The hybrid musk was largely developed by Rev. Joseph Pemberton in the first decades of the 20th century, a seedling of whose is believed to be the foundation of the whole type. The genetics of Hybrid Musk are somewhat obscure, as some of the parents are unknown, although Rosa multiflora is known to be one parent, and Rosa moschata (the musk rose) also figures in its heritage. (Varieties include the classic 'Buff Beauty' and 'Penelope').
For planting advice, see Planting Containerised Roses - RV Roger Ltd
For pruning advice, see A Guide to Pruning Roses - RV Roger Ltd
Or else email our highly skilled team with any questions and we will be only too happy to try and help sales@rvroger.co.uk