A beautiful range of bulbs with varieties and species that flowers through the bleakest time of winter, right through the summer. Many varieties are easy to grow and are suitable for rockeries, pots or growing in the borders. All iris have the same flower style, with 3 inner petals (standards), standing erect and 3 outer (falls) petals, normally hanging downwards. Generally all Iris resent being disturbed so leave them to form a decent clump before moving them.
The Iris bubs we offer are divided into 2 sections:
Dutch Iris - a collection of Iris x hollandica varieties. Originally developed by the Dutch bulb firm 'Van Tubergen' in the late 1800's, they are a cross between two species native to Spain, Portugal and North Africa. They produce large flowers on tall, sturdy stems, and because they can be forced under glass they became very popular in the floristry trade.
Reticulata Iris - a group of iris which have been bred from a dwarf species native to Turkey and Iran. Superb in pots or rockeries where the intricate flowers can be better admired.
How to plant Iris bulbs:
Plant between September and early December. All iris bulbs need a free-draining site in full sun or very light shade. Add grit to the planting site unless you are on very sandy soil, plant the bulbs about 10cm deep and add a top layer of grit to protect the young shoots from slug damage.
If planting in containers, add some washed sand (about 25%) to a good quality multipurpose compost, and make sure the container has adequate drainage. Reticulata iris make a fantastic top layer if 'lasagne planting' in pots, with some dwarf narcissus planted underneath.