Floribunda roses cannot be beaten for providing a colourful bedding display all summer long. As their name suggests the flowers are borne in clusters with several flowers opening in each cluster at the same time. Typical floribundas are stiff shrubs that are smaller and bushier than the average hybrid tea. The flowers are typically smaller than those of hybrid teas but the large sprays give a better floral effect in the garden, and hence are often used in bedding schemes. Height ranges to about 1.5m (but can be more, or less, according to your pruning regime!) Originating at the start of the 20th century - the Danish breeder Dines Poulsen successfully crossed a hybrid tea rose with a Polyantha type - the resulting rose was called a 'Poulsen' type before later acquiring the name Floribunda (Meaning 'Many Flowered'). Floribunda roses are found in the similar range of colours and bloom forms as hybrid teas, sometimes only differing in their cluster flowered habit. (Examples include: 'Margaret Merrill', the wine-red 'Night Owl, and 'Odyssey').
For planting advice, see Planting Containerised Roses - RV Roger Ltd
For pruning advice, see A Guide to Pruning Roses - RV Roger Ltd
Or else email our highly skilled team with any questions and we will be only too happy to try and help sales@rvroger.co.uk