Japanese Wineberry
Rubus phoenicolasius (Japanese Wineberry) is an Asian species of raspberry, native to China, Japan and Korea. Originally introduced into Europe as an ornamental plant, it makes a highly decorative addition to the fruit garden or potager. Long stems, up to 3m in length, arch languorously, each stem densely covered in bright red hairs which contrast wonderfully with the lime-green foliage. In their second year, these stems then produce dense clusters of pink purple blossom, followed by small orange red fruit in late summer.
The fruit have a raspberry-like flavour, with a lovely balance of sweetness and sherbet acidity. Wineberries grow well in almost any soil, but thrive in damper areas and will grow well in shade.

<p dir="ltr"><span>Rubus phoenicolasius </span><span>(Japanese Wineberry) is an Asian species of raspberry, native to China, Japan and Korea. Originally introduced into Europe as an ornamental plant, it makes a highly decorative addition to the fruit garden or potager. Long stems, up to 3m in length, arch languorously, each stem densely covered in bright red hairs which contrast wonderfully with the lime-green foliage. In their second year, these stems then produce dense clusters of pink purple blossom, followed by small orange red fruit in late summer. </span></p>
<p dir="ltr"><span>The fruit have a raspberry-like flavour, with a lovely balance of sweetness and sherbet acidity. Wineberries grow well in almost any soil, but thrive in damper areas and will grow well in shade. </span></p>
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