Castanea sativa

£30.00 - £45.00
Common Name: 
Sweet Chestnut

Delivery November 2024 to March 2025


Listed also in the fruit section. We find that here in the north our summers are not long enough to ripen the fruit. But its foliage is so decorative we grow it as an ornamental. Has huge, lance shaped leaves, up to 20cm (8") long with quite roughly toothed edges to them. In summer bears bottle-brush style yellow flowers in clusters of 5-6. These are followed by the chestnuts seen everywhere at Christmas. The autumn colours are superb with wonderful rich yellows being displayed. The bark becomes brown and deeply ridged, often spirally on older plants. This is a big tree, eventually reaching 20m (80ft) with a very wide girth. A native of S. Europe and parts of N. Africa, it is said to have been introduced into the UK by the Romans. Thrives in a warm climate, in thin, sandy soil.