The wild service tree (sorbus torminalis) is also known as the Chequer Tree, and makes a small, deciduous, round headed tree of approx. 6-8m. Native to southern England, it is easy to grow in any well-drained soil in an open position. There was a time when its fruit was gathered and sold in the markets, though sadly no longer. The fruit is a "pome" like the apple or pear, about the size of a small cherry. When ripe it is brown and chequered. Once "bletted" the flesh is soft and fairly sweet, and is rich in vitamin C. It can be eaten like a medlar and used for jellies and conserves, and prior to the introduction of hops, the fruit were used to flavour beer, (which may be related to the ancient symbol of a pub: a chequer-board).For help with choosing the correct rootstock for your needs, please click here A Guide to Rootstocks
For help with choosing the correct size and shape, please click here A Guide to Fruit Tree Shapes