Edible Hedging - mix (per metre)

Supplied as: 
bare root plants between November and March.
Available to pre-order for 2024/25 season


As well as growing about 30,000 hedging plants, we also grow approximately 40,000 fruit trees and bushes every year here on the nursery. Why not combine the two, and grow a hedge which not only looks fantastic, but provides an edible crop both for you and for any visiting animals!

The core plant in this mix is blackthorn (sloe), to provide a hardy, tough hedge which will be a valuable source of nectar in early Spring for foraging bees, and provide a crop of sloes (whether you steep them in gin or vodka is down to you!). We will also include a selection from hazels, wild crab apples, dog roses, cherry plum - we'll even include the odd blackberry or gooseberry.

The specific varieties we supply may vary according to availability, and will also depend on the quantity ordered. If you order more than 10 metres of hedging, we will try and provide as many different species as possible.All plants are suppled as two-year-old hedging transplants, with a good sturdy root system in place to give them the best possible start. On arrival they will either be 40-60cm or 60-100cm tall, but on planting we encourage giving any new hedging plant a light trim to encourage dense bushy growth.

All plants are labelled, and the exact mix will also be listed on your delivery note, so you know what you have planted.

We will supply 4 plants per metre, so spacing for a single row is a plant every 25cm. The traditional double-staggered row planting was originally designed for producing stock-proof hedges. For a garden partition or boundary, it is rarely appropriate, as it produces a much wider hedge which takes up valuable garden space. If you do want to plant in this way, contact us and we will provide a bespoke quote for you.

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