Rosa 'Peace'

£8.00 - £12.50
Strong fragrance
Height (in centimetres): 
Bare Root Availability: 
2024/25 Bare root season now closed
Potted Availability: 
Website will be updated at Easter, for new season starting May 2025


Blooms of pale and dark yellow edged with pink. Slightly fragrant, very popular and very reliable. Raised by Francis A Meilland (France) 1935 from a cross between ([ George Dickson × Souvenir de Claudius Pernet] × [ Joanna Hill × Charles P. Kilham]) x Margaret McGredy, and was introduced by Meilland International in 1942.The name "Peace" was announced in the USA on 29 April 1945 by the introducers, Conard Pyle Co. on the day that Berlin fell, a day considered a turning point in the Second World War in EuropeGM Portland 1944, Hall of Fame WFRS 1976, Golden Rose The Hague 1965, Gold Medal Certificate ARS 1947

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