There are two groups of Damask roses, the once-flowering Summer Damask, and the Autumn (or 'Four Seasons') Damask which can have a second smaller flowering in autumn, but both types are endowed with strongly scented blooms. Just slightly less hardy than the Gallica, they are however often taller, with rangy growth habits reaching up to 2.5m, and are ideally suited to companion planting in mixed shrubberies and herbaceous borders. A very ancient type, the first Damask roses are thought to have arrived in Europe at the time of the crusades. They are most highly prized for their incredible fragrance, some varieties long having been used by perfumeries in the Middle East for making attar of roses, and are the best type for making pot-pourri. The colour range is pinks and whites, and most flower for 3 to 4 weeks each summer. (Varieties include: 'Ispahan' and 'Quatre Saisons').
For planting advice, see Planting Containerised Roses - RV Roger Ltd
For pruning advice, see A Guide to Pruning Roses - RV Roger Ltd
Or else email our highly skilled team with any questions and we will be only too happy to try and help sales@rvroger.co.uk