Thought to have originated in France around 1770, this late dessert apple is one of the finest flavoured russets available - a heady mix of sweet oranges and a strong nutty flavour. Incredibly juicy, these are best stored in plastic bags to avoid shrivelling. Cropping may be slightly irregular, but the quality of the fruit is absolutely first class, although the tree itself benefits from a warm situation to bring out the best in the fruit flavour. A favourite of the pomologist Bunyard.
"Gathering over 120 synonyms in its long career gives some estimation of how widely grown this apple been; it was described in 1776, (probably older) and grown throughout Europe. When found in the north it is usually in estate walled gardens, since it needs warmth to produce best flavour, and may crop irregularly in cooler areas. Nevertheless the blossom is very beautiful, and Orleans Reinette can be trained on a warm wall as a fan, cordon or espalier, which is worth the effort because it is one of the sweetest and best of fruits. Golden apples with a fine coat of cinnamon russet, the flesh is melting and juicy, rich, nutty, and aromatic with notes of sweet orange... 'as a background for an old port it stands solitary and unapproachable', says Bunyard. Other notes: resistant to scab, mildew and canker." © Lin Hawthorne - 'The Northern Pomona'.
For help with choosing the correct rootstock for your needs, please click here A Guide to Rootstocks
For help with choosing the correct size and shape, please click here A Guide to Fruit Tree Shapes