Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) makes a wonderful formal hedge. It resembles beech at a distance, but look closely and you will notice that the leaves are more heavily striated, with the veins indented and a slightly frilly edge to the leaf. Like beech, it retains the juvenile foliage through winter, so provides a screen all year round. Unlike beech, it prefers a heavier soil, so is perfect for those who would like a beech hedge but are on wet soils. It will also tolerate full shade, so is exceptionally versatile as a hedging plant.Hornbeam loves being clipped - it responds by sending out lots of fresh new growth - so it makes a lovely dense, well-furnished hedge. Clip in early spring and again in late summer, and it will look its best all year round.
For garden hedges and boundaries, plant in a single row every 30cm. For a stock-proof hedge, plant in a double staggered row at 5 plants per metre.