Rootgrow - (mycorrhizal funghi) - 360g

Perfect for: 
Giving any newly planted rose, shrub or tree the very best start.
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A large pouch of Rootgrow mycorrhizal fungi granules, sufficient to treat 12 roses or 6 trees. Mycorrhizal fungi have been proven to be extremely beneficial to newly planted roses, trees and shrubs, as they establish a secondary root system which improves the uptake of water and nutrients from the soil. Simple sprinkle directly over the roots before planting, and one treatment lasts for the lifetime of the plant! Completely natural and plant-friendly, and can be used on just about any plant in the garden (except for acid-loving plants such as heathers, camellias, rhdoendrons and blueberries). Helps overcome rose replant disease too, so essential when replanting rose beds.