Hybrid Tea
Still the most popular group of roses, Hybrid Teas are grown both as bushes and standards, with blooms that are carried on strong stems all summer long. The flowers are generally well-formed and borne singly or with several side buds, and many varieties carry strong scents. If you are looking for easy growing bush roses or if you want to cut flowers for display indoors then the large Hybrid Tea blooms and long stems will give immense pleasure. Height to about 2m. Hybrid Tea roses were developed in the mid 19th Century from Tea and Hybrid Perpetual roses - producing something of the best of both types, and gradually being improved by further breeding to extend the colour range and introduce yellows by the end of the 19th Century, and to improve their health and hardiness. The shrubs tend to be stiffly upright and sparsely foliaged, which makes them more difficult to place in the garden or landscape, and their reputation as high maintenance plants has led to a decline in popularity. Despite this - the hybrid tea remains the standard of the floral industry and is still favoured in formal situations. (So many notable varieties including old favourites such as 'Ena Harkness', and 'Peace', through to more modern varieties such as 'Anis Perfumella' and White Perfumella').
For planting advice, see Planting Containerised Roses - RV Roger Ltd
For pruning advice, see A Guide to Pruning Roses - RV Roger Ltd
Or else email our highly skilled team with any questions and we will be only too happy to try and help sales@rvroger.co.uk