Wildlife friendly hedging plants
Whilst any hedge will provide some benefit for wildlife, there are some species which are particularly good at providing both food and shelter for birds, bees, butterflies and small mammals. All the varieties in this section are wildlife friendly, either by providing valuable sources of nectar and pollen in spring, or with a harvest of berries and fruit in the autumn. For maximum benefit, plant as wide a mix of species as possible, and encourage a diverse spectrum of animals and insects into your garden.
Planting wildlife friendly hedges is perhaps one of the most important way we can all play our part in helping conservation in the UK.
Plant size:
Once you have selected the plant you are interested in, you will see that we offer several sizes - and give not only the height of the plant but also the age. Those marked "1/1" are two year old plants, and for some varieties we are able to offer older three year old plants -marked "1/2". You may be able to find plants offered for sale online which are the same height, but they can just be 1 year old plants which have been raised from seed. Our plants are grown on to ensure they have an excellent root system, so they establish quickly and give your hedge the best possible start. You may be able to buy cheaper, but we don't think you can buy better!