
Roses - advice from a champion

Roses - advice from a champion

Here at RV Roger we supply plants to a huge variety of customers; from National Trust properties, stately homes and Royal Palaces down to individual customers who might want a single rose to liven up a corner of a garden, or grow in a pot on a balcony. We always try and treat each customer equally, and pass on as much advice and help as we can.

Possibly the best part of the job is when we get tips and advice back from our customers, who have grown our plants in varied locations up and down the country, and give us valuable feedback on what works (and occasionally what doesn't!). Undoubtedly the group of customers who have the most knowledge to give are the army of amateur rose growers who exhibit blooms at shows throughout the summer. Some have decades of experience, growing hundreds of roses on allotments and gardens, and they are only too happy to share that knowledge.

It is probably fair to say that the pre-eminent amateur rose grower in the UK for the past 30 years has been Tony Bracegirdle. Born in Bury in Lancashire, Tony has lived in Ramsbottom, Lancs with his wife Alice since 1964, and has been growing roses on his allotment since the 1960's. He became the Royal National Rose Society Amateur National Champion in 1996, and then went on to retain that title for the next 20 years! Tony has been a friend of the nursery for a long time now, and he has kindly agreed to let us publish some the articles on rose growing he has written over the years. If you are looking to grow the very best roses, read this collection of articles - when it comes to roses Tony has been there, bought the T shirt, the mug and souvenir fridge magnet!

Roses - Advice from a champion - Posts - RV Roger Ltd