Chrysanthus Varieties
Commonly know as the 'Snow Crocus' as they flower exceptionally early. The true species (not commonly available for sale) is native to the Balkans, and has bright golden yellow flowers. A programme of breeding and hybridisation with other crocus species has resulted in many very lovely cultivars. generally slightly smaller flowers than the Dutch large-flowered varieties, but produce more flowers per bulb and naturalise very easily.
How to plant Crocus bulbs:
Crocus are some of the most versatile bulbs in the garden - they can be used in pots and troughs mixed with winter pansies and violas, in clumps at the front of a border or rockery, or left to naturalise in grass or under trees. They look best planted in large, sweeping drifts, but otherwise plant in clumps of 10-15 bulbs rather than spacing them out where the flowers can get lost. Plant them around 7.5cm (3"), in drifts or in pots, using very well drained compost. If planting in lawns or grassland, allow 6 weeks after flowering for the foliage to die back before mowing.