Daffodils, along with tulips and perhaps alliums, are the undoubted stars of the spring-flowering bulb season. From the classic large yellow-trumpeted vareities which adorn many a roadside verge, to the dainty jonquilla types, there is a narcissus variety to suit every situation.
We offer one of the largest selections available in the UK, and all our bulbs are top-sized, guaranteeing a superb display the first spring after planting. You can choose by filtering on colour or height, but there are some divisions which naturally suit one purpose more than another. For verges, start with the Division 1 Trumpet varieties - classic robust yellow flowers, sure to provide a dramatic splash of colour. For garden use, consider Division 2 or 3 varieties, where the colours range from 'out there' and bold, to restrained and subtle. For pots, tubs and planters, look at some of the Division 5 Triandrus or Division 7 Jonquillas - delicate, refined and worthy of a much closer look. For a classic indoor scented bulb, go no further than the Division 8 Tazettas.
All daffodils should generally be planted at a depth of three times the height of the bulb. They will tolerate almost all positions in the garden, from sun to shade, and most soils too. The only caveat is if planted on very wet, heavy soil, they would benefit from a small amount of grit under the bulb on planting, to avoid issues with basal rot.