Hedging plants by common name
Grown in Yorkshire.
We grow a crop of over 30,000 hedging plants each year in our fields here in the Vale of Pickering, concentrating on traditional species which are easy to grow and tolerate a wide range of conditions. The range includes plants such as Beech and Hornbeam for formal garden hedging, to more unusual species such as wild crab and sea buckthorn, which can add interest, colour and increase biodiveristy when incorporated into a mixed hedge. We are always very happy to advise on suitability for your particluar need. Our plants are only available during the winter months (between November and March) and are supplied as either bare root plants lifted straight from our fields, or as rootballed plants (with the rootball inside a hessian wrap). Most deciduous species are supplied bare rooted, whilst it is the evergreen varieties such as laurel and yew which will be rootballed (as they are not fully dormant, they resent too much root disturbance - rootballing means they transplant much more succesfully).
The common names of the species we offer for sale are listed on the left hand side of the screen - or else type the name of the plant you are looking for in the search bar at the top of the page. If you can't find what you are looking for, please email us and we'll be very happy to help sales@rvroger.co.uk
Plant size:
Once you have selected the plant you are interested in, you will see that we offer several sizes - and give not only the height of the plant but also the age. Those marked "1/1" are two year old plants, and for some varieties we are able to offer older three year old plants -marked "1/2". You may be able to find plants offered for sale online which are the same height, but they can just be 1 year old plants which have been raised from seed. Our plants are grown on to ensure they have an excellent root system, so they establish quickly and give your hedge the best possible start. You may be able to buy cheaper, but we don't think you can buy better!