Naturalising Mixes
Maintenance friendly bulb mixes for roadside verges and grass areas.
Sometimes knowing which bulbs will combine well together and grow well is not straightforward. Sure, you can buy a bag of daffs, plant them and get some flower to brighten a grass verge. But here at RV Roger we think our customers want and derve something a little better, a little more unusual. So this year we are extremely happy to offer this range to you, taking out all of the guesswork - plant, wait, and next spring you will be rewarded with a jaw-dropping show of flower, colour and scent.
All of these mixes are designed to be planted through grass - either verges, lawn or in orchards. The bulbs will happily naturalise and spread, so the display will get better year after year. Many are bee-friendly and an invalubale source of nectar for pollinating insects. We've even specified that point at which you can start mowing the grass again, depending on whether the bulbs flower early or late.
Prices shown are per bag. The number of bulbs in each bag varies, depending on the collection (up to 350no), but is generally enough to densely plant 1m². This would give you a picture-perfect display in the very first year. As the bulbs will naturalise and spread over time, you can make the bulbs go much further by planting in groups or spacing more widely.