The group of Species roses includes the natural (or 'wild') varieties and some of their hybridised descendants. However, there is significant disagreement over the number of true species, ranging from about 300 to well over 4,000. Where some are so similar that they could easily be a variation of a single species, others show so much variation to be considered a different species! Either way - they are easy-going and low-maintenance in comparison to other garden roses, tolerant of poor soil and shade, and generally having only one flush of blooms per year. Height and spread can be up to10m - but is as variable as the number of varieties, with predominantly single blooms of white, cream, yellow or red - although some double forms do exist. Named varieties of Species roses commonly grown in gardens include: Rosa moschata (The 'Musk rose'), Rosa banksiae ('Lady Banks' rose'), and Rosa pimpinellifolia (the 'Scots' or 'Burnet' rose). Some species have colourful hips in autumn, such as Rosa moyesii, or colourful autumnal foliage like Rosa virginiana.
For planting advice, see Planting Containerised Roses - RV Roger Ltd
For pruning advice, see A Guide to Pruning Roses - RV Roger Ltd
Or else email our highly skilled team with any questions and we will be only too happy to try and help sales@rvroger.co.uk